RedFish BlueFish Gazette Spring 2023

Pond Fish Feeding

Pond Fish Feeding

For a goldfish, a garden pond is like living inside their very own buffet. Some aquatic plants in a pond serve as food for the fish, and as shelter to a variety of insects and microscopic creatures. A diverse diet makes for a healthy goldfish.

Many pond owners take joy from the interaction of feeding their fish and watching them eat. The addition of more food, however, means more waste, and more waste results in a dirtier pond. Feeding fish once a week during the summer and spring is more than adequate. Through the winter months it is recommended not to feed fish at all. The fish’s metabolism slows down as the temperature drops, and they will need far less food during this time. The naturally occurring food sources that a healthy pond provides will be more than enough for them. Don’t fall for their greedy tricks! As fish who are fed often might try to convince you to think otherwise…

Aquarium Feature Fish - The Pleco

Aquarium Feature Fish - The Pleco

The Plecostomus, also known as the sucker fish or Pleco, is the collective name for a group of utilitarian fish that help to control algae growth in your aquarium. Plecos earn their keep by eating various kinds of algae. They will also enjoy the odd algae wafer or slice of cucumber thrown their way. Most species favour certain types of algae over others. While some pleco species might turn their nose at brown algae, others will happily devour it. What all pleco species have in common, is that they love gobbling up uneaten food.

Their peaceful nature makes them great additions to almost any aquarium, although they will need to have some driftwood in their tank to truly feel at home.

There are many distinct types to choose from and the adult size of each species should be taken into consideration when deciding which pleco to buy.

Easy to care for, and adaptable to different diets, Plecostomus are an excellent choice when looking for a new member to add to your aquarium clean-up crew.

Your Pond Seasonality - Spring

Your Pond Seasonality - Spring

Now that the kiwi winter is well on its way out, garden ponds experience changes in response to rising temperatures. During the winter, ponds respond by going into a state of ecological dormancy. Some plants may appear to die off, but they can rebound once warmer temperatures are returning. While the days are still cold, it is recommended not to feed fish. Feeding fish in winter conditions can result in water quality issues due to a build-up of excess nutrients. Pond maintenance is a great way to take care of your pond as spring and summer arrive. By having a pond service done, any plant matter or debris that was decomposing in your pond during winter will be removed. By implementing proper regular care, you can help ensure that your pond has a healthy and balanced ecosystem that will thrive come spring.

Redfish Bluefish

RedFish BlueFish is an Auckland-based aquarium hire and garden pond design company servicing commercial and residential aquatic décor needs throughout Greater Auckland. At RedFish BlueFish, our goal is to develop and maintain stable aquatic ecosystems, whether it is an indoor aquarium water feature or a large outdoor pond. We design, build and maintain garden ponds, and outdoor water features for homes and businesses; and we design, lease and maintain fresh water and saltwater aquariums that breathe life into any workplace or home;

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